Motivational Speaking

Not only am I a trainer, fitness instructor, successful webmaster and blogger, but I also used to fight competitively. Before fitness, I also ran my own successful clothing business. All of these pursuits require having a strong sense of self, an incredible amount of confidence, and the ability to face your fears and overcome all of life's obstacles.

I recall a time way back when I was walking down the street with nothing left to my name but 50 cents in my pocket. I had gotten fired from my job at a bank (one you all know the name of!) and the little money I had from my last paycheck was now completely gone. In searching for new work, I was having a hard time finding something. I was on the verge of getting kicked out of my apartment and losing everything. Instead of despairing, I walked the streets that entire day, inquiring in every single store and business I came across to see if they needed someone to do some work.

By the end of the day, just before I was damn near ready to give up, I walked into this little diner and said "I'm looking for work, and I am willing to do anything. Sweep floors, wash dishes, bus tables, but I do know how to waitress. Could you please hire me?" Well, guess what? I got lucky, and they did.

The rent was still a bit late, some bills went unpaid, but after a while, I finally got myself back on my feet. I decided then that I needed a better life plan, and worked hard on creating it. A few years later, after taking advantage of my talent for making clothing, I started my own clothing business, which I ran out of my apartment for 4 years. Towards the end of that, I began my career in fitness. I was getting fat sitting behind a sewing machine all day, and had started going to the gym to knock off some of those pounds!

It was there that my fitness career was born, and I have been on a roll ever since!

I know what it takes to succeed in life, and to still find some hope and optimism even in the worst of times. I'm a big fan of the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality. I know what it takes to take a concept and turn in into a reality. I know how to motivate myself to succeed.

I know that I can do that for others, too.

I love to help others harness that power within themselves and take it to the ultimate level. There's nothing to it but to do it! I've been there, done it, and I can show you how!

-self empowerment
-refusal to fail
-complete and total belief in myself

That is what fuels me. If you don't have it, I can show you how to get it!

I will come to your facility and discuss self empowerment strategies, how to dig yourself out of a hole, and how to take your dream and turn it into reality.
Also, how to focus and work on being the best you that you can possibly be!
I try to live up to my own high expectations every single day. I will fulfill all of my destinies, God willing, before I leave this planet. So can you!

My book, "Strong Body, Strong Mind" is a good blueprint for how this is done. I will also go over some of the techniques I discuss in my book, which is not just about weight loss, but about self empowerment, self determination and how to achieve that success!

--- I will speak for any group, large or small. My fee is negotiable, depending on the size of the audience.
Interested in having me come and speak at your function? Contact me on Facebook at or you can email me @